Thursday, September 27, 2012

Welcome Back To Gilli-land 2.0

I am back after a long hiatus and there is so much to talk about.  So much, in fact, that it is hard to know where to start.  What follows will be interesting but it will, by no means, be exhaustive...

Firstly, it is the silly season and the politicians who are all vying for our votes this year are offering everything to everyone while condemning their opponents for doing the same.  I did get to go to the Republican National Convention (RNC) in Tampa and, after drying out from the first day's Hurricane Isaac remnants, I had a great time.  For me, politics is the only game that counts so conventions are like the Super Bowl, World Series, NBA Championship and Stanley Cup all rolled into one.  But by Day-4 I was so sleep-deprived  (maybe 10 hours for the whole four days) that I still can't remember everything that happened.  For those of you who thing the GOP is full of stuffy old White people who can't let loose, you could not be any more wrong.  The beer, wine and food flowed, the music blared and tongues loosened as folks let their hair down and got very real.  It was refreshing to see people you only ever see in a professional context be honest and really enjoy themselves in their own element.  I have to thank everyone for not treating me as the outside enemy-mainstream media guy and welcoming me into the fold, if only for a week.  Once home, people settle back into old patterns and the business of politics resumes as winning once again becomes everything and the unbridled optimism of the convention evolves into a pragmatism that recognizes the very real possibility that losing is a real option.  While  it remains to be seen just who will win, it is clear that it will be a close race and it's doubtful that anyone will emerge with an unmitigated mandate.

Secondly, I have begun to ease back into family-focused travel with trips to Tubac AZ and Albuquerque NM over the summer.  Both trips were very different yet both were very restorative.  In Tubac, the old-world charm of this Spanish colonial town is pervasive and overwhelming, leaving  you with a sense of longing for an older, simpler time.  The Tubac Golf Resort is amazing with spectacular rooms that are affordable and a restaurant that is on the high end of of the budget but the flavor and quality justify the price.  The area is like Sedona, only better because it is easier to get to, more affordable and  just as beautiful, in it's own agrarian way.  This does not even factor in the centuries of history that are available to visitors to the Presidio, an old Spanish fort that was the launching point of the Spanish expedition that founded San Francisco.  Old Spanish missions are within easy driving distance and are a reminder of the the best and the worst in the colonization of the New World.  And Albuquerque is, of course, Albuquerque.  Visiting there was more about feeding relationships than it was about seeing the sights of the city.  Staying with cherished friends and catching up with other equally cherished friends made that trip a very special one. I am looking forward to the return trip soon.  As for Tubac, the Book Club retreat that is now in the planning stages for 2013 is going to both fun and challenging as I've never been a part of anything like it before.  My wife is really organized, though, and already has a very full schedule set up for attendees, though I am sure it will change more than a few times before it is finalized.  With her reaching out to authors with invitations to attend, and her already getting positive feedback, it's looking like the retreat will be well attended and informative for everyone.

Thirdly, and finally (for now), I am diving into this social media thing with abandon, having revved up my presence on Blogger, Twitter, Facebook and Linked-In (all two-syllable titles...interesting...) in an effort to increase my exposure and name recognition.  In this ever-expanding universe of social media and networking, one must lead or fall behind into obscurity and, as someone who's business it is to inform people in ways that make them want to hear it from me, I cannot afford to be left behind.  So, in that vein, I will be prolifically posting across the social media spectrum and will be paying close attention to views, responses and re-tweets.  I will also be sharing a little more of my own opinion on my Blogger page.  Please, do not take offense and remember that the views expressed are my own and do not necessarily represent those of my employer, family, friends, colleagues or even passing acquaintances.  I look forward to your attention and your input.  feel free to chime-in, criticize, praise, pan, forward, re-tweet, etc...(just be nice, Ok?)

So if you are new to my blog, welcome.  If you are returning to my blog, welcome back.  If you are leaving my blog, I hope to see you here again soon as I think you will like what you read and even have a thought or two provoked.  Until next time...

Warmest regards,